American Christian lead the way by presenting murals supporting freedom-fighting Iranians

Posted On January 16, 2023

American-Iranian Christian supported freedom fighting Iranians by presenting an artistic mural.

The artistry of Israelis artist Ana Kogan, was showcased by the gathered member Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Fleur Hassan-Nahoum and Hooman Khalili, an American-Iranian Christain media personality. The mural disclosed four women who got killed by Iran, Additionally Mahsa Amini, whose death happened in September 2022 provoked by nationwide anti-government protests.

When arrested by Iran’s “Morality Police”, the 22 years old took his last breath in custody. She was accused of improperly wearing her hijab, a head covering worn by many Muslim women and mandatory in Iran.

Hooman Khalili said that”For the Persian people, these four women speak volumes. This is who we are fighting for.” Some reports state that Hassan-Nahoum, who is also a co-founder of the Gulf-Israel Women’s Forum said that it is very important for us to show solidarity here from Jerusalem.”

The Deputy Mayor revealed that she needed Iranian women to know that we are behind for freedom, we are better half fighting for a regular country against the mullahs who are controlling them, against We are against misogyny, against genocide, against a regime trying to pull back not themselves but entire region.”

Human Rights Group stated that 517 protesters have been resulted as a death in clashes with government security forces. The dominion has already executed four people and another 16 reportedly face death.

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